Big Data And Analytics

Data is not only omniscient and omnipresent but also being rapidly generated. The need for deriving maximum value from this ever-growing data repository is inevitable. Organizations capitalize on Big Data solutions to draw insights that help improve their business performance and aid in effective enterprise decision-making.

UMITAS ‘s Big Data expertise spans across the complete life cycle of application development. Along with focus on Big Data ecosystems, we have vast experience in enterprise application and framework development. This capability empowers us to offer solutions utilizing best of both worlds – Big Data Ecosystems and Custom Frameworks, as per your business needs.

With the precise combination of skilled teams, well- planned processes and analytical tools, we have undertaken many projects in the velocity, volume and variability space in the Big Data domain. Our experience in Big Data technologies such as stream processing, in-memory computing and batch processing have resulted into faster storage and data processing for organizations.

UMITAS offers you a wide range of services to help you rapidly derive value from your data:

Consulting – Big Data Use Case Discovery, POCs, Big data Technology Evaluation and Roadmap Architecture, Custom design and Data Migration

Development and Integration – System Design, Enterprise Application and Framework development, In-Memory Computing[IMC], Deployments, System Integration and Performance Tuning and Optimizations

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